Curse of the Kingslayer : An Illmoor Short Story Collection
When a legendary barbarian king vanishes without a trace, the entire realm is thrown into chaos. The only option open to the government is to send out a search party consisting of the king’s halfwit brother and a guard captain with such an attitude problem that he could comfortably pick a fight with a scarecrow. Nevertheless, mustering the same combined IQ as a pair of elderly sloths and marginally less initiative, they will boldly search the fields and forests for an 8ft armoured-killing machine with muscles likes rocks who is known to play the sort of practical jokes that end in chaos. The race is on...
Also contains The Fu Ming Fiasco, Lair of the Leviathan, The Dullitch Assassins, The Legrash Larcenist, Wishblood Wine and The Shallowfalls Spincecaster.