The Illmoor Chronicles - Fantasy Satire with Magical Adventures and Mythical Creatures: The Vanquish Trilogy


The complete Vanquish Trilogy, includes Shadow of the Shapeshifter, The Venom of Vanquish and The Might of Moltenoak.

Shadow of the Shapeshifter

Two strangers in the wrong place at the worst possible time...a lone assassin prepared to do the dirtiest of jobs...and a guard sentry determined to stop him. A dark enemy is about to rise in Illmoor, something even more chaotic and twisted than the citizens themselves. Step forward Enoch Dwellings, master sleuth, who boasts a reputation built entirely on an intricate web of carefully calculated lies. Together with his hapless but increasingly inept assistant, Doctor Wheredad (no medical training whatsoever), he will do anything it takes to solve a crime that might actually end up costing him more than his own life.

The Venom of Vanquish

When a ragged band of mercenaries happen upon an ancient artefact in a hidden ruin, they unwittingly trigger a series of events that will have dire consequences for the entire population of Illmoor. While they hurtle towards a major conflict with the most twisted and malevolent mind in the land, an impostor sits on the Dullitch throne, his illusion sustained by the sort of dark magic that always comes at a price…

The Might of Moltenoak

An ancient and malevolent god sits on the High Throne of Illmoor, commanding obsidian dragons and raising the dead to fight in his frenzied armies. While a ragtag group of misfits and freedom fighters attempts to withstand the oppression of Vanquish, all hope for the future of the continent begins to fade.

Elsewhere, a lone figure moves quietly through the countryside, unseen and unchallenged until one fateful night, when the werewolves get hungry…

…and unwittingly disturb something even more dangerous than the despotic entity that has risen to dominate the land.